Revolution in sales performance analysis
Use the power of advanced AI technologies to analyse showroom performance and customer journey. Understand, manage and control.
Control your sales like never before
In a world of retail where the success of every touchpoint matters, the offline customer journey within showrooms becomes pivotal.
Boost sales

It interprets data, evaluates staff efficiency at each sales funnel stage, and crucially influences the closure of deals.
Increase customer satisfaction
Control shift allows you to constantly analyse showroom performance ensuring the optimisation of every interaction, from purchase planning to deal negotiation.
Manage customer journey
It’s nearly impossible to manage Customer Experience, sales effectiveness and create CJMs when it comes to showrooms.
Prevent losses
ControlShift greatly improves the sales process by averting losses and ensuring that communication and sales processes are free from crucial mistakes.
Our customers show stunning results
The best way to increase your sales and increase your value
  • 90%
    Sales script abidance rate by a salesperson who uses our system
  • 20%
    Average growth in sales persons suggestion of additional services
  • 35%
    More often sales persons ask questions to identify customers needs
ControlShift allows you to choose certain metrics and events you want to manage.
Stages of sale process following
Our AI service meticulously tracks every stage of the sales process, from initial customer interaction to closing the deal. Understanding these stages enables you to identify bottlenecks, optimize strategies, and ultimately boost your showroom's sales performance.
Ensure Salesperson Adherence to Predefined Scripts
ControlShift ensures that your sales team follows predefined conversation scripts consistently. By adhering to these scripts, your team delivers a unified and compelling message to customers, increasing the likelihood of successful interactions and closing more deals.
Mention additional services, promotions, etc
Encourages salespersons to upsell or cross-sell additional services or promotions, maximizing revenue opportunities per customer interaction.
Forbidden words or meanings
Prevents salespersons from using language that could be offensive, misleading, or detrimental to the sales process. By avoiding forbidden words or meanings, sales teams can maintain professionalism, build trust with prospects, and mitigate the risk of damaging the brand's reputation.
Tone of conversation and addressing the client by his name
Using the client's name and maintaining an appropriate tone ensures a personalized and engaging interaction, fostering rapport and increasing sales potential.
You can manage all your sales persons of all your showrooms in one place with informative visual reports on most important metrics.
  • General metrics and individual for every sales person
  • Critical mistakes
  • Dynamics for metrics
... many more and custom features by request
Old solutions don't work
Traditional evaluation methods like supervisors or secret shoppers fall short in providing comprehensive insights.
$129/week per sales person (2 weeks free trial)
Subscription model (no strings attached)
Unlimited amount of sales persons
Up to $100 per assignment
Contract relationships and risks
Checks only one sales person
$5000 average salary (Glassdoor)
Contract relationships and risks
Not able to manage many sales persons
Secret shopper
Full uninterrupted working day is under control
Check sales person only one time
Not able control sales person full day
Commitment and risks
Control time
How It Works
Sales person wearing a badge with a microphone (included)
By the end of the shift sales person is importing records for analysis
Analyzed data represented in the Dashboard
Get started, it's free
Try a 14-day free trial—no credit card needed!
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